Shinobazonoike |
Today I'll show you about Old Toilet.
In Ueno, japan, there is a Shitamachi Museum.
Shitamatichi means the old part of the city.
So this museum shows the old part of Japan.
I want to introduce Ueno first.
Ueno is nice town.
There is a famous zoo in Ueno, called Ueno zoo.
The Shitamachi museum is near the zoo.
There is also American street.
There are many shops and bars.
But I don't know about this area so much...
Many parks and nice views.
From Shibuya, it is about 30mins.
The museum is really nice.
First, it is cheap.
Adult is 300yen
Child is 100.
It is because the museum is small.
But if you have an interest in Japanese history, it would be perfect☆
This is an old washing machine.
I really appreciate you who invent washing machine.
But maybe it is good for environment.
If we don't want to wash so much because of hard work,
In japan, people who have small boobs are called "Sentakuita"
(As tease them about their small boobs)
Sentakuita means washing board.
This is really bad name.
So please don't use it for your friends or stranger.
This is a Cheap Candy Shop.
We call it " Dagashiya"
There are some shops in Tokyo and Yokohama.
You can buy almost every candy with under 100yen.
This is an old rice cooker.
This cylkinder is made from bamboo.
You can exhale deeply from this bamboo for making fire.
Lately Japanese rice cookers are so expensive.
The average cost is around 100,000...?
But this old rice cooker is best machine.
This is so beautiful right?
They are strings for shoe.
Name is Hanao.
Long time ago, when japanese people still wore Kimono,
they put Zouri or Geta which is look like beach sandal.
This is the strings for Zouri or Geta.
I can understand every generation wants to be fashionable.
Now we have many choices.
But long time ago, they don't have little, but even little they wanted to be different from others.
Now I'll show you old toilet!!!! Yeah~haha
This is old japanese toilet.
We call this type of toilets "Botton Benjyo".
My grandmother's house's toilet was Botton.
But it was not like this but look like normal toilet.
I heard a story from my grandmother about botton.
It was so scary stuff because the hole was deep and darty.
If you fall dawn, it would be nightmare....
Down down down.....
I am in pooder land.....
I'll show you this toilet.
The holder is to use for washing your hands after toilet.
Inside toilet, there is no light.
So it would be so so bad when you wanted to do at midnight.
Even now I don't want to go to a toilet at midnight.
I couldn't find any paper, but I asked my gramma and she said she used news paper.
Farmers used poo as their fertilizer for rice.
So they came house once in a week or two and took poo out.
But funny or unfunny, the farmers were paying not people who did poo but the house's landloads.
So the landloads were really rich.
and people who did poo was poor because they couldn't make money even from their poo.
So sometime they got angry at the system and they stoped useing their toilets.
I don't know where they did poo instead....
But this is
Poo strike!!!
Toilets are so important thing any time;)
This toilets are not only japan but I think all asian countries had the same type of toilets.
I have seen this type in Korean dramas.
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